I was very fortunate to grow up in a Christian home, with parents who loved Jesus and encouraged me to discover Him for myself. As a child, I had a lot of head knowledge; I knew the Bible stories, I knew about God the Father, Jesus His Son and the Holy Spirit, and I could sing all the songs. But it was only head knowledge.
At the age of 11 whilst attending a YFC event, I had a revelation that had I been the only person left on this earth, Jesus would still have died on the cross to save me. I had given my life to Jesus at a much younger age, but this time, it was a very conscious decision. It took a further 2 years for me to realise that my decision had to have an impact on what my life looked like.
I began to meet Jesus in a real and personal way. I wanted to serve in any way I could and became heavily involved with Youth for Christ, choosing to volunteer with them for 2 years after college.
Although I went through a time of walking away from Him, God's mercy and Grace sought me out, drew me back and loved me consistently. His words and promises to me push me on, ever eager to see them fulfilled and ready to be used by Him.
Life is an exciting adventure when it is walked hand in hand with Jesus, and I would so love to talk further to anyone who had questions about following Him.